Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)'s Views on India: Screenshot showing him giving his Twitter handle on Pakistan Defense forum.

Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)’s Views on India were shared by him on Pakistan Defence Forum which is micromanaged by Pakistan Intelligence Agency ISI. We are reproducing his views verbatim.

Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)'s Views on India: Screenshot showing him giving his Twitter handle on Pakistan Defense forum.
Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)’s Views on India: Screenshot showing him giving his Twitter handle on Pakistan Defense forum.

It is increasingly clear that Muslims are not welcome in today’s India.

And to be fair, let us Muslims accept the hard truth below.

  1. Hindus hate us. This includes the secularists. Even the Dalits and lower castes.
  2. Sikhs also care two hoots about us, except some photo ops from Khalsa Aid, we are always going to be evil Mooslims to them. The way they forgot their humiliation and continued to serve the Indian state speaks volumes.
  3. The Buddhists simply don’t seem to care. Where they are a significant part of the population (Leh and Ladakh), they want to toe the Indian and pro Hindu line. They cheer the pogroms against Muslims in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. No point in expecting anything here.
  4. Parsis and Christians – The Parsis seem neutral but have not done anything concrete for our plight. Even though they continue to flourish in Iran, their hatred for Muslims remains illogical. But at least they don’t go about rioting against us.

The Christians are a disappointment. Even with our similarities, they continue to choose the Hindu side instead of aligning with us. If nothing at least for religious reasons. But alas.

There may be exceptions, but one cannot live a life and make decisions based on exceptions to the Rule.

The only people who can and will support us are Muslims.

Even the secularists and the communists have problem with our La ilaha illalah. So count them out too.

Only Muslims can improve the conditions of Muslims. In India as in anywhere else.

I propose the following. These are just ideas. But ideas are inherently strong. They cannot be extinguished.

  1. Muslims need political power. But no political party is strong enough to support us. We should accept this fact and support only those that fight for MUSLIM rights ONLY. No other secularism platform should be tolerated. We have seen what secularism has done to our community. Only Allah swt’s Deen is for us.
  2. We need the means to defend ourselves. This includes all measures within and without any reference to ANY constitution of ANY country. This right is inalienable and I dont want Muslims to care about local laws. Procure arms anyway possible to defend yourselves.
  3. Aggressively proselytize. Dawaah is not just for fashion. There are many people of other religions who are sympathetic to us. We should not be content that they are secular and humane. Their real test will be if they recite the Shahada. If they remain Hindu, they will be a part of the oppressor.
  4. Eventually we should try to reach a significant portion of the population. Such that Hindu consolidation is unable to get political victories.
  5. If that fails, we need to settle for West Bengal and the North east of India as a Muslim homeland for Indian Muslims. There can be separate Muslim nations created in Kerala, Hyderabad and elsewhere if locals there want.

The Indian Army needs to be defeated and the state authorities need to be tied down for this to happen. It may be necessary to highlight human rights abuses by Hindus as regularly as possible so that UN task forces sanction India. Eventually the economy decline will force a curtailment of the armed forces which may lead to a demoralisation.

Then we will be in a position to ask for independent republics or one amalgamated province of Muslims.

All views are welcome.

Confirmation of Altaf’s identity

Dr. Loneranger INC 🌐 #WithRG (@Loneranger9new) Tweeted:
Altaf was invited by @ndtv back in 2014, when I made my first appearance in a political debate at NDTV studios.

Addenda: These tweets confirm his identity.

Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)'s Views on India: He says in one post on PDF that non-Muslims are not Equal to Muslims
Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)’s Views on India: He says in one post on PDF that non-Muslims are not Equal to Muslims
Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)'s Views on India: Another screenshot of his extremist views
Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)’s Views on India: Another screenshot of his extremist views
Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)'s Views on India: Another screenshot of his Jihadist views expressed on Pakistan Defence Forum where he tells of evicting all Hindus and Buddhists
Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)’s Views on India: Another screenshot of his Jihadist views expressed on Pakistan Defence Forum where he tells of evicting all Hindus and Buddhists
Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)'s Views on India: Another screenshot of his conspiracy of his future plans and inciting others to destroy religious places and statues of other religions
Altaf Sheikh (BrumbyOz)’s Views on India: Another screenshot of his conspiracy of his future plans and inciting others to destroy religious places and statues of other religions

Points to Ponder

Should Australia keep such people with Terrorist Ideology in their countries? Or such Terrorist supporters be handed over to the Police authorities of their respective countries to deal with them?

What is the possibility that this Radical Islamist Terrorist supporter does not hold similar views against Australia?

Do Australian companies do any background verification checks before hiring their employees? What happens if any employee are found to be engaged in supporting Terrorism and show extreme hate towards other religions? Do Australian companies still keep such Radical Extremists as their employees?

Today when whole world is bleeding from Radical Islamist Terrorism, shouldn’t all MNCs screen the Social Media activities of all their employees? What public embarrasement a MNC would get when one of their employees is found to be engaged in Extremist activities on Social Media. What is the guarantee that such Radical extremists have not participated in any Terrorist Activities like Australian Forest fires?

Read our previous Article Australia Forest Fire: Whom Are Climate Change Lobby Hawks Protecting?

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