Pakistan purposely spreading ChineseVirus: Doctors demanding PPE are being arrested and put in Jail

Pakistan is purposely spreading ChineseVirus in Balochistan. We covered in our previous article on this topic Pakistan Army Using Coronavirus As A Biological Weapon Against The Baloch Nation

Baloch leader and President of Free Balochistan Movement Hyrbyair Marri in a statement said that The world is fighting Corona Virus from China and every nation is supporting their paramedics, doctors and nurses. Whereas, in occupied Balochistan, Pakistani state transferred all suspected coronavirus patients in Taftan area of Balochistan, who arrived from Iran.

Baloch leader and President of Free Balochistan Movement Hyrbyair Marri in a statement said that Pakistan is Purposely Spreading ChineseVirus in Balochistan
Baloch leader and President of Free Balochistan Movement Hyrbyair Marri in a statement said that Pakistan is Purposely Spreading ChineseVirus in Balochistan

They did not provide any facilities to those travellers who were suspected of having coronavirus and they were put in makeshift camps but without any amenities in subhuman conditions and the local staff lacked medical equipment to deal with them. The whole crisis was created by Pakistan’s incompetent policies, they are purposely denying medical equipment, now the virus is spreading to all corners of Balochistan.

Pakistan purposely spreading ChineseVirus: Doctors demanding PPE are being arrested and put in Jail
Pakistan purposely spreading ChineseVirus: Doctors demanding PPE are being arrested and put in Jail

From the last several days, doctors of Balochistan who are on the frontline, fighting this Chinese virus were protesting because they are being denied Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). So far, 12 doctors in Balochistan have contracted Chinese Corona Virus (Covid19) as they had no adequate protection gears against this virus.

Yesterday (8-April, 2020), while they were protesting and demanding basic PPE kits they were baton-charged, tortured and 150 health workers were arrested by the occupying state. According to the international law, it is the duty and responsibility of an occupying administration to provide all the necessities to the population, but the Pakistani state has never had any regard for international laws and conventions. When natural disasters and epidemic have stricken Balochistan, the occupying state always left the local population to fend for themselves.

Here are some of the pictures showing the Doctors were arrested and put in Jail for demanding PPE and masks in Pakistan occupied Balochistan.

Colonisation by the Pakistani state resulted in Balochistan lacking in the modern economy, education and basic health infrastructure. Gold, natural gas, copper and other mineral resources are being plundered by Pakistan and China but most of the population lives below the poverty line.

Balochistan is regarded as the worse region in the world for newborn children, where a large number of mothers and their newborns die due to malnutrition. Pakistani state brought suffering, not for one tribe, area or profession but to the whole of Balochistan, it has brought misery.

Pakistan is Purposely Spreading ChineseVirus in Balochistan: Doctors and Medical Staff sitting in protests demanding PPE and masks.
Pakistan is Purposely Spreading ChineseVirus in Balochistan: Doctors and Medical Staff sitting in protests demanding PPE and masks.
Pakistan is Purposely Spreading ChineseVirus in Balochistan: Doctors and Medical Staff sitting in protests demanding PPE and masks.
Pakistan is Purposely Spreading ChineseVirus in Balochistan: Doctors and Medical Staff sitting in protests demanding PPE and masks.

Pakistan is indiscriminate just like Coronavirus when it comes to the people of Balochistan. Baloch and Pashtuns should unite at this critical juncture and must support their doctors in their struggle who are fighting to save the people of Balochistan from this pandemic.

(Please follow Baloch leader @Hyrbyair_Marri on twitter for more updates and policy statements)

This act of Pakistan Government to put the Health workers and Doctors was also condemned by Amnesty International South Asia. They termed the arrest as “an attack on their right to peaceful protest and an affront to the risks they face.”

Social media users trended the hashtag #ProtectDoctorsOfBalochishtan .

Pakistan Army steps up its Enforced Disappearance of Baloch Civilians

In the meanwhile Pakistan Army stepped up its Enforced Disappearance of Baloch Civilians, In a series of tweets Human Rights activist, Mama Qadeer Baloch (twitter handle @QadeerMama) tweeted, ” Amid the outbreak of coronavirus we decided to close our #VBMP camp for the missing persons of #Balochistan. However, it is unfortunate to say that during these days we have noticed that Pakistan Army and intelligence agencies are abducting more number of people.”

He further said, “In the meantime, Army has expanded Military operations throughout #Balochistan. The worst parts is that now #Baloch women are now and then being tortured, harassed & abducted. The incidents of Awaran ,Dera Bugti & Washuk are series of the policy of collective punishment”

“Therefore, we are compelled to reopen #VBMP protest camp. And we will be observing the situation and will make a call accordingly.”

Points to Ponder

In a country where Terrorists are treated with state honor and are placed in 5 Star Hotels, Doctors who are being treated as Heroes worldwide are being put in Jail in Pakistan occupied Balochistan. Irony is Pakistan is a member of United Nations Human Rights Council.

Pakistan with help of Chinese Companies is already exploiting the natural resources of Balochistan. As per an estimate, Balochistan has Natural Resources worth $1 Trillion. Should International community not help Balochistan gain Independence from the occupation of FATF Grey Listed Fascist and Cruel Pakistan?

Pakistan is already accused of intentionally testing Nuclear weapon in Balochistan, using chemical weapons, burning entire villages, use of Death Squads (Units made of Religious Terrorists and cadre from Pakistan Army) to kill civilians, Enforced Disappearance of Civilians, Selling them for Organ Harvesting, Committing Genocide of Millions in Balochistan, running rape cells to rape and torture women from Balochistan, robbing people of their lands and looting the natural resources from Balochistan, looting all the natural gas from Balochistan and transferring it to Punjab,

Should the International community not reform United Nations and punish these violators of Human Rights?

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