Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid and Indian Origin Rishi Sunak who replaced Sajid Javid

UK finally got rid of the Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid as Chancellor of Exchequer whose history as a British administrator caused more harm to UK than good. In the past he had opened doors of UK to the Jihadists from Pakistan and other countries with no concern for the safety of Britishers. It may not be a coincidence that violent protests happened outside Indian High Commission in London days after he got down as Home Secretary.

Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid resigns
Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid resigns

As per an article published in with title Tens of thousands of foreigners will be allowed to study at UK universities without having to prove that they can speak English on 16 June 2018, the then Home Secretary Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid simplified the process of securing so-called ‘Tier 4’ visas for students from countries it considers a ‘low risk’ of abusing the system. 

Critics warned that easing the rules risked bogus or under-qualified students who submitted applications in a bid to beat border controls slipping through the net. But the Home Office insisted there was no evidence students from the countries involved had exploited the system. Officials insisted random spot-checks would weed out wrong-doing.

The measure was part of a raft of reforms unveiled by Mr Javid which relax immigration rules. At the same time, he made it easier for non-EU migrants and refugees to come to Britain to work and live.

Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid resigns and Rishi Sunak who takes over the position
Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid resigns and Rishi Sunak who takes over the position

He acted a day after relaxing visa rules so thousands more foreign doctors and nurses will be able to work in Britain. He cut migration controls to allow the NHS to recruit more staff, meaning other businesses and employers will be able to hire an extra 8,000 skilled non-EU workers, such as engineers, IT professionals and teachers.

In the shake-up in 2018, the UK Government added 11 countries to its ‘trusted’ list for the purpose of student visas. The additional countries – China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, Bahrain, Serbia, Dominican Republic, Kuwait, Maldives and Macau – bring the list to 30. Overseas students from these nations would benefit from a streamlined application process, which means they will have to provide fewer documents when applying for visas.

Controversially, they will no longer need to submit evidence showing they meet the requirements for living costs of up to £1,265 a month, previous qualifications or evidence they can speak English fluently.

In the year to March, a total of 100,769 students from the 11 nations were granted permission to study in the UK.

The Migration watch think-tank warned of a ‘slippery slope’, saying: ‘The last time the student visa system was loosened in 2009 it took years to recover from the massive inflow of bogus students.

We covered in details about the UK economy losing revenues due to destruction of Tourism as a result of the Pro-Jihadist and Pro-Pakistan policies of Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid and Sadiq Khan duo in our previous article Sadiq Khan’s Londonistan: Fear Psychosis And Destruction Of Tourism

In another article in the recent past Jive Jive Londonistan: Is Sadiq Khan Responsible For Converting Britain As A Colony Of Pakistan? We presented in details how Sadiq Khan and the policies of Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid the then Home Secretary had turned UK into a colony of Pakistan.

It is also worth noting that the Pakistan Muslim Grooming Gangs had also prospered in UK and carried out their heinous crimes against young British Christian, Hindu and Sikh Girls while the Pakistani origin MPs and Politicians always tried to put these crimes under the rugs in the name of multiculturism, racism and Islamophobia. They went even to the extent of drafting laws prosecuting people on these grounds to curb their Freedom of speech.

We covered in details about Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs in our previous 2 articles: –

Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs In UK Raped Thousands Of Girls 8-12 Year Old

Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs – British Girls’ Honour Doesn’t Matter

However, India has been left out of this new expanded list, which means Indian students applying for similar courses will continue to face rigorous checks and documentary requirements.

Lord Karan Bilimoria, Indian-origin entrepreneur and President of the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA), described the move as an “insult” to India and another example of Britain’s “economically illiterate and hostile attitude to immigration”.

“I consider this another kick in the teeth for India… This sends entirely the wrong message to India, to exclude it from these Tier 4 measures. The government has simply got it wrong,” said Bilimoria on visa relaxation measures introduced by the then UK Home Secretary Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid.

Bilimoria, the founder of Cobra Beer and founding-chair of UK India Business Council (UKIBC), added, “It is completely hypocritical that this is announced at the same time that Britain is talking about doing a post-Brexit free trade agreement (FTA) with India. If this is the way they treat India, they can dream on about an FTA with India”.

“India has always been one of Britain’s closest allies and an emerging global economic superpower. Excluding India from this list is myopically short-sighted and is damaging what has always been a special relationship between our countries,” he said.

The National Indian Students and Alumni Union (NISAU) UK also expressed disappointment at India’s exclusion from the list, which it said effectively categorizes Indian students as “high risk”.

The representative body for Indian students in the UK said it was unfair that Indian students should be treated differently from Chinese or other nationals on the list.

“It is important to note that today’s announcement makes no change to the process of application for Indian students, but it is the perception of this message among Indian students that worries us. And, this raises another question – will China continue to get even more favourable actions while India gets the rhetoric,” questioned Sanam Arora, president of NISAU UK.

Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid Quits

Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid abruptly quit as UK chancellor on Thursday 13-January 2020 after losing a power struggle with prime minister Boris Johnson and his chief adviser Dominic Cummings over who should control the country’s economy.

His sudden departure, only eight months into the job, disrupts plans for the Budget, scheduled for March 11. Downing Street said preparations were “continuing at pace”.

Mr Javid was immediately replaced by Rishi Sunak, a close ally of the Prime Minister and a strong pro-Brexit leader who accepted Mr Johnson’s proposal to take control of the chancellor’s office, fuelling market expectations there could be a loosening of Britain’s fiscal regime.

Downing Street declined to say whether Mr Sunak’s first Budget would enshrine Mr Javid’s commitment to balance day-to-day spending by 2023, a tight restraint that has irritated Mr Cummings in recent weeks.

Mr Javid met the prime minister for over an hour on Thursday morning and refused the Prime Minister’s demand to sack his own team of advisers. “I don’t believe any self respecting minister would accept such conditions,” said Mr Javid.

Mr Javid rejected the prime minister’s order to fire his team of aides, saying “no self-respecting minister” could accept such a condition.

He has been replaced as chancellor by Chief Secretary to the Treasury Rishi Sunak – who just seven months ago was a Junior Housing Minister.

Mr Javid had been due to deliver his first Budget in four weeks’ time.

The former Home Secretary was appointed Chancellor by Mr Johnson when he became Prime Minister in July.

As per an article titled Sajid Javid is totally unfit to be Chancellor of the Exchequer, our readers should read about the blunders committed by Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid during the 2008-09 global financial sector insolvency crisis. Before his move into politics Javid was a banker at Deutsche Bank, where he sold complex financial derivatives called Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDOs).

His resignation follows rumours of tensions between Mr Javid and the Prime Minister’s senior adviser Dominic Cummings.

Mr Javid said his advisers had worked “incredibly hard” and he could not agree to them being replaced.

“I felt I was left with no option but to resign,” he said, adding that Mr Sunak and the rest of the government retained his “full support”.

In his resignation letter, Mr Javid explained that he could not accept the PM’s conditions saying: “I believe it is important as leaders to have trusted teams that reflect the character and integrity that you would wish to be associated with.”

Downing Street said there would now be a joint team of economic advisers for both the Chancellor and Prime Minister.

Reshuffle Moves

Former Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay becomes chief secretary to the Treasury

Paymaster General Oliver Dowden is culture secretary, replacing Baroness Morgan

Northern Ireland Secretary Julian Smith has been replaced by Home Office Minister Brandon Lewis

Amanda Milling replaces James Cleverly as minister without portfolio and the Conservative Party chairman

Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom and Housing Minister Esther McVey are out of government

Environment Secretary Theresa Villiers is sacked and replaced by George Eustice, who resigned as a minister last year over Theresa May’s Brexit plans

Attorney General Geoffrey Cox was asked to resign by the PM. He is replaced by former Brexit Minister Suella Braverman

International Development Secretary Alok Sharma has been appointed business secretary and minister for the upcoming climate conference COP26, in Glasgow.

He is being replaced at the international development department by Armed Forces minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan.

There is a return to government for former Defence Secretary Penny Mordaunt, who becomes paymaster general.

Meanwhile, Mr Cleverly is made a joint minister in the Foreign Office and Department for International Development.

Cabinet members remaining in place include Home Secretary Priti Patel; Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab; Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove; Health Secretary Matt Hancock; International Trade Secretary Liz Truss; Transport Secretary Grant Shapps; Defence Secretary Ben Wallace; Leader of the House Jacob Rees-Mogg; and Chief Whip Mark Spencer.

The reshuffle reduces the number of women in the full cabinet from seven to six.

Mr Johnson is expected to appoint a new minister to oversee the building of the HS2 rail line, final approval for which was given this week.

Meanwhile, a former adviser to Mr Javid said Downing Street had misjudged the reshuffle and that the Budget could be delayed as a result.

Salma Shah told BBC Newscast she thought No 10 estimated Mr Javid would take up an offer to remain in his post, despite a request to fire his team of aides.

Earlier Mr Sunak tweeted that he felt “honoured” to become chancellor, adding that Mr Javid had done a “fantastic job” and been “a pleasure to work with”.

Commenting on Mr Javid’s resignation, Labour’s shadow chancellor John McDonnell said: “This must be a historical record with the government in crisis after just over two months in power.

“Dominic Cummings has clearly won the battle to take absolute control of the Treasury and install his stooge as chancellor.”

The relationship between the two next door neighbours in Downing Street is vital in any government.

The relationship between Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid and Boris Johnson, as individuals, has been OK but there have been clashes between their wider teams.

This is a massive elevation for Rishi Sunak – a year ago he was one of the most junior ministers in the communities department.

A step up to chancellor this quickly is a huge ask.

He has not been tested in any significant way – but was seen as a reliable performer during the general election campaign.

Julian Smith’s sacking – weeks after he brokered the deal which restored the power-sharing administration in Stormont – was greeted with shock in Northern Ireland.

The former minister said on Twitter that doing the job had been “the biggest privilege” and he was “extremely grateful” to have been given the chance to serve “this amazing part of our country”.

Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar called Mr Smith “one of Britain’s finest politicians of our time”.

Rishi Sunak – Know more about him

Mr Sunak has been the Conservative MP for Richmond in Yorkshire since 2015. He lives in Kirby Sigston, just outside the town of Northallerton.

Rishi Sunak takes over the position
Rishi Sunak takes over the position

His father was a GP, and his mother was a pharmacist. His parents – who are of Indian origin – came to the UK from east Africa.

Listen: Political Thinking with Nick Robinson – The Rishi Sunak One

He was born in 1980 in Southampton in Hampshire, and studied at the exclusive private school Winchester College.

Mr Sunak is seen as a rising star in the Conservatives
Mr Sunak is seen as a rising star in the Conservatives

Mr Sunak then went on to Oxford University to read Philosophy, Politics and Economics and acquired an MBA from Stanford University.

Before entering politics he worked for investment bank Goldman Sachs and a hedge fund, then co-founded an investment firm.

His wife – Akshata Murthy – is the daughter of an India based businessman Narayana Murthy.

The couple have two daughters.

‘The force is strong’ Mr Sunak campaigned for Leave in the EU referendum, and his constituency voted 55% Leave.

He voted for Theresa May’s Brexit deal on all three occasions, and was an early supporter of Boris Johnson, making a number of media appearances in his support.

In July 2019 Mr Sunak was picked by Mr Johnson to be chief secretary to the Treasury, after being parliamentary under-secretary in the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government from January 2018 to July 2019.

Mr Sunak is seen as a rising star in the Conservatives, with endorsements from people including former Conservative Party leader Lord Hague of Richmond, who has described Mr Sunak as an “exceptional individual”.

He was endorsed by Mr Javid, who in a recent tweet said “The force is strong with young Sunak” in reference to a phrase from Disney’s Star Wars franchise.

His hobbies include keeping fit, cricket, football and watching films, according to his website.

One of his childhood heroes was Southampton football player Matt Le Tissier.

“One of my prized possessions is an 18th birthday card signed by the entire Saints team, but Matt in the middle there, which I’ve still got,” Mr Sunak told the BBC in an October 2019 interview.

‘First generation immigrant’ Mr Sunak has said his Asian identity matters to him.

“I’m a first generation immigrant. My parents emigrated here, so you’ve got this generation of people who are born here, their parents were not born here, and they’ve come to this country to make a life,” he said.

“In terms of cultural upbringing, I’d be at the temple at the weekend – I’m a Hindu – but I’d also be at the Saints game as well on a Saturday – you do everything, you do both.”

Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid resigns and Rishi Sunak who takes over the position
Pakistani Origin Sajid Javid resigns and Rishi Sunak who takes over the position

Points to Ponder

UK needs to decide if they need freeloaders and Jihadists from Pakistan who intend to invade the whole UK and convert it into Sharia UK and infamous Londonistan or will UK wake up and cleanup the mess created by Leftist Liberals and Regressive Left that is bent on destroying UK. Will UK be able to stop Pakistan’s intrusion in different levels of UK Government and Administration? Will UK be able to stop giving all foreign AID to FATF Grey Listed Terrorist Nation Pakistan? Will UK act tough against Pakistani Muslim Grooming Gangs? Will UK end the draconian laws that curbs the freedom of speech and the voices of Britons and prosecute them on the grounds of Racism, Multiculturalism, Islamophobia? Will UK recognize that every Briton has the right to criticize the onslaught and invasion on their culture of Freedom in UK by Pakistani community? Will UK end the Sharia Law implementation and its draconian practices of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), child rape, divorce laws and implement one law common to all citizens? Will the marriage between UK and Pakistan End and stop producing Jihadist Children that will completely destroy the Culture of Freedom of UK?

It is high time that people realize that Britain is for British and not for Pakistanis. Britons should serve British Interests and not Pakistani Interests. Whatever the country of origin or race of the person may be, he should be promoting the interests of Britain and not that of Pakistan.

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