Bernie Sanders woos Muslim Voters at an event organized by ISNA

Bernie Sanders woos Jihadi voters for upcoming 2020 elections. During the weekend Bernie Sanders attended a controversial event that was organized by the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) which is an offshoot of “Muslim Brotherhood”. It should be noted that US has tried to declare as a “Foreign Terrorist Organization” a couple of times in the past for it’s links with Kashmir terrorism, Hamas and other terror fronts. Bernie Senders attended the event on Saturday evening at the George R Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas.

According to the organizers ISNA, some 30,000 people are expected to make their way through the doors of the convention for a series of religious, cultural and political events, activities and discussion scheduled for the three-day conference, which ends on Monday. 

Some locals termed that the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) convention as a “terrorist fundraiser” and stated: “Texans will stand against this tyranny.”

As per the sources Federal prosecutors had in the past named ISNA as an unindicted co-conspirator in their case against the Holy Land Foundation, a group that was convicted of raising millions of dollars for Hamas, a State Department-designated terror organization.

Protests and Counter Protests: Leftists held counter protests in support of Islamist Radicals

Texas Patriot Network and local radio host James “Doc” Greene called for a demonstration against what it claimed was evidence of collusion between “leftists” and the “Muslim Brotherhood”.

There was a counter protest organized by Leftist Liberals. The Leftist group counter demonstration was endorsed by FIEL, Free Los Ninos Coalition, Houston Socialist Movement, Houston United Front against Fascism, Janie Torres, Mexicanos en Accion, MORENA, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Refuse Fascism and Socialist Alternative.

Patriot and conservative demonstrators held signs that said “No Sharia USA” and “All Women Equal USA”. While the Leftist Liberal demonstrators held placards declaring “Stop Islamophobia” and “Smash Fascism”.

In a statement Greene said, “The only policies [Trump] introduced were not anti-Muslim; they were anti-terrorist … We love the fact that he’s stopping illegal immigration.”

Greene claimed Muslim Americans attempt to “blend in” in US society and hide their real beliefs. He also accused “hooligan Castro” and “crazy Bernie” of being part of a “communist” plot.

On the Leftist liberal side of protests, a handful were armed with rifles and some wore masks chanted “No hate, no fear, Muslims are welcome here.”

People are questioning the Leftist Liberal protesters. Why did the Leftists or democrats or liberals needed to hide their faces? What were their real identities? Why did they carry rifles during “Peaceful” protests?

Rapidly Growing Muslim Population in the US

U.S. Census Bureau does not ask questions about religion, meaning there is no official government count of the U.S. Muslim population.

Projections suggest that the U.S. Muslim population will grow much faster than the country’s Jewish population. By 2040, Muslims will replace Jews as the nation’s second-largest religious group after Christians. And by 2050, the U.S. Muslim population is projected to reach 8.1 million, or 2.1% of the nation’s total population — nearly twice the share of today.

Muslim population has continued to grow at a very rapid rate, driven both by higher fertility rates among Muslim Americans as well as the continued migration of Muslims to the U.S. including the refugees as well as illegal immigrants.

Bernie Sanders Speech at ISNA event

In order to get Muslim votes in the upcoming 2020 elections, he read the scripted speech that was written by his India hater Pakistani foreign policy advisor Faiz Shakir. None of the Leaders from any Arab or Islamic Nations participated or spoke at the event even remotely. Was it a coincidence or deliberate, Prime Minister of a FATF Grey Listed Nation that is on the verge of bankruptcy, Pakistan was invited via a Video link to speak at the same event, only to spew venom?

Bernie Sanders Woos Muslim voters at ISNA (front of Muslim Brotherhood) event
Bernie Sanders Woos Jihadi Elements at ISNA (front of Muslim Brotherhood) event

In his speech, Bernie sanders spoke against the Middle East countries like Saudi, UAE, India and China but deliberately didn’t speak of Human rights abuses by Army of the FATF Grey Listed Pakistan. Since the speech he read was drafted, it seemed he was fed with malicious ideas about India. He did not condemn Iran, Turkey, Hamas or hundreds of Islamist Radical Terrorist Organizations that are killing innocent civilians worldwide.

Please read our previous articles we covered on Indian Kashmir and the kind of celebrations that are taking place after the Abrogation of Article 370 by amending Indian Constitution. These couple of articles will clarify and expose the “Fake Propaganda” carried on by Pakistan.

Celebrations In Jammu & Kashmir, Protests In Pakistan As Article 370 Indian Constitution Abrogated

Post Abrogation Article 370 – Life In Jammu, Kashmir And Ladakh

Kashmir Remained Peaceful On Eid, Life Normal Jammu Ladakh Regions

We also exposed in our articles the “Malicious Propaganda” carried by Pakistan to malign India by flooding social media with Fake videos. Read our Expose:

Pakistan President Arif Alvi Leads Troll Army: Releases A Fake Video To Malign India

ISNA was suspended in Canada in 2018 for Terrorist Fundings

As per a report, Canada had suspended Islamic Society of North America-Canada (ISNA-Canada) in 2018 for “Providing Terror Funding” to terrorists in Kashmir.

The CRA found ISNA-Canada’s mission statement — “To advance the cause of Islam and serve Muslims in North America so as to enable them to adopt Islam as a complete way of life” — was too broad and vague to be considered exclusively charitable.

Did Bernie Sanders read the ISNA mission statement and knew about what he is attending an event of an organization that is a front for Terror funding? And its Agenda is to “Establish Sharia Law in North America”?

The Canada Revenue Agency said it had suspended the Islamic Society of North America-Canada (ISNA-Canada) for a year effective Sept. 12 and ordered the Mississauga-based charity to pay a $550,000 penalty.

Government auditors alleged ISNA-Canada had “failed to conduct any meaningful due diligence” when it transferred $136,000 to the war-torn Kashmir region, where the Banned Pakistani Terrorists organization Hizbul Muhajideen has been fighting Indian troops.

Bernie Sanders woos Jihadi Elements by attending event of ISNA whose Canadian Branch funded  Pakistan-based terrorist Mohd Syed Salahuddin of Banned Hizbul Mujaheddin
Bernie Sanders woos Jihadi Elements by attending event of ISNA whose Canadian Branch funded Pakistan-based terrorist Mohd Syed Salahuddin of Banned Hizbul Mujaheddin

By acting as a “conduit” for other organizations, ISNA-Canada “may have, knowingly or unknowingly, provided the benefits of its status as a registered charity to support the efforts of a political party and its armed wing,” the CRA wrote.

“It is the CRA’s view that the society’s resources may have, directly or indirectly, been used the support the political efforts of Jamaat-e-Islami and/or its armed wing Hizbul Mujahideen,” according to CRA documents.

The audit was conducted in 2011 and covered the years 2007 to 2009. The results were conveyed to ISNA-Canada in 2014 but the CRA only sanctioned the charity on Sept. 5, 2018

The CRA has previously described the ROKM as the “charitable arm” of Jamaat-e-Islami, a Pakistani group whose armed wing, Hizbul Mujahideen, is listed as a terrorist group in Europe and the United States.

Bernie Sanders Woos Jihadi Elements – Watch this Video. Does Bernie Sanders legitimize Terrorist Factories in Pakistan that exports these terrorists to Afghanistan and India to kill civilians including women and children?

ISNA-Canada “gifted” $90,000 to the Relief Organization for Kashmiri Muslims. Gave an additional $46,000 to the Kashmiri Relief Fund of Canada, which the CRA has previously alleged had fundraised for the ROKM.

CRA wrote, “Providing resources to organizations operating in support of a political purpose, including the achievement of nationhood or political autonomy, are not recognized at law as charitable.”

It said a political purpose includes supporting a political party, or programs that promote a cause, doctrine, ideology “or generally seek to advocate, and bring about changes in the overall way that a society governs and manages itself.”

“In addition, Canada’s public policy recognizes that the tax advantages of charitable registration should not be extended to organizations whose resources may have been made available, knowingly or unknowingly, to a terrorist entity.”

Sharing the event with Prime Minister of FATF Grey Listed Pakistan.

His sharing of dias with Pakistan Prime Minister (via video link) was akin to legitimizing the Genocide of millions of Baloch, Pashtuns, Sindhi, Mohajirs, Ahamadiyas, Hazaras, Hindus, Christians and Sikhs. Worldwide there have been protests against FATF Grey Listed Pakistan for enforced disappearance of over a million of Baloch, Pashtun, Sindhi, Mohajirs. There are no official records of the missing persons abducted by Pakistan Army. Police does not register any complaints as the persons have been abducted by their army. Most of these missing people have either been killed or sold for Organ Harvesting. Every other day there are reports of mass graves being discovered in Balochistan.  

Naïve or Ignorant Bernie Sanders? Is he suitable as a US Presidential Candidate?

It looked naive of Bernie Sanders to not know about what is happening in Indo-Afghan region. His selective criticism of a few countries while ignoring the Islamic Radicalism and Terrorist Factories run by Pakistan to kill civilians including women and Children in Afghanistan and India.

Bernie Sanders seemed to be naïve of not knowing about the closed door informal conversation of UN Security council members held recently rejecting Pakistan’s demand for a discussion with a 1:14 vote. The speech that obviously was drafted by a Pakistani will ought to raise Kashmir issue at every forum. Bernie Sanders reference to Indian Kashmir and usage of words like “Autonomy”, “UN backed peaceful resolution” pointed to his lack of grasp of International affairs.

Many people believe that the Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders, who dreams of becoming the President of United States, can be so ignorant of the history and speak on International issues and against countries like India that are Strategic Partners of the US, doesn’t make him fit to be a presidential candidate.

Vote Bank Politics

Bernie Sanders in his excitement to get a few Jihadi votes ignored the presence of other communities living in the US that have condemned the Genocide committed by Pakistan Army on the ethnic minority groups. His love for Pakistan was such that he forgot about the think tanks and perpetrators of 9/11 Terrorist Attacks having roots in Pakistan and even Osama Bin Laden was found and eliminated in Pakistan.

The move means that Sanders, who in 2016 became the most successful Jewish presidential candidate in American history, will have his campaign steered by the first-ever Muslim presidential campaign manager. By siding with Pakistan and speaking against India, will the Jews, Hindus, Afghans, Baloch, Pashtun, Muhajir, Sindhis, Ahamadiya voters ever vote for any Democrat candidate? After Bernie Sanders attending ISNA event that is a front organization of Muslim Brotherhood, that want to establish Sharia Law worldwide, will other religion voters like Jews, Christians, Hindus vote for Bernie Sanders or any of his Democrat candidates?

One Twitter user tweeted, “Bernie Sanders’ campaign manager. Faiz shakir – a Pakistani…. the same country where Osama was found, same country that gives birth to all budding Jihadi Terrorists, responsible for killing millions around the world.”

It is fashionable for Islamists to criticize Saudi and UAE. But they never criticize Turkey. Muslim brotherhood is not a fan of monarchies. They are ideologically aligned to AKP of Erdogan.

Imran Khan rants at the ISNA convention via a glitchy Video link

In his address, via video link, Prime Minister of FATF Grey Listed Pakistan spoke about the need to understand the Hindu Nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) party — said to be a parent organization of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Imran Khan said, “I am trying my best but from ISNA’s platform you have to make the concerted effort to make people understand this phenomenon which has taken over India. You have to make the Western societies understand the RSS.” However, a cursory check proves that RSS, all it’s history never showed any genocidal traits though it is vilified thus in many quarters.

At the same time there was no one to question what Pakistan Army is doing in Balochistan. We have covered it in detail in our previous articles

EXPOSED: Pakistan Army Doing Organ Harvesting after Enforced Disappearance of Ethnic Baloch, Pashtuns and Muhajirs

War Crime: Pakistan Using Cluster Bombs To Target Civilians

Bernie Sanders woos Muslim voters but he should know what Pakistan that is deeply connected with this organization is doing with Christians and Hindus in Pakistan. We also covered in details how Christians and Hindus are being persecuted in Pakistan. Christian and Hindu girls are abducted, forcefully converted to Islam and married to Radical Islamist. If they resist, they have to face acid attacks and tormented rest of their lives. Check our couple of previous articles mentioned below

Christian and Hindus Face Blasphemy Laws, Acid Attacks, Forcefully Converted to Islam in Pakistan
Pakistan A Living Hell for Christians. But Takes Foreign Aid From Christian Countries.

On the contrary a naive Bernie Sanders Woos Jihadi Elements, indirectly legitimizing all the persecution of religious and ethnic minorities and the Terrorist Factories of Pakistan.

RSS – Misconceptions that need to be clarified

RSS or Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, is a Hindu cultural and social activity organisation which forms the nucleus of what is called Sangh Parivar. BJP is viewed as it’s political front. Thus, we see that, along with attacking RSS on the Hindu plane, it is being attacked politically as well. In two words, RSS stands for something called Hindu Rashtra and Akhanda Bharat. Hindu Rashtra stands for the country of Hindus and Akhanda Bharat refers to a Greater India involving Pakistan and other territories which were traditionally a part of India. This is where the issue lies – does RSS talk about an India covering India, Pakistan and other territories for Indians? While RSS considers anyone in the cultural sphere of things, it’s opponents consider it as a religious thing – non-Hindus have no place in it’s scheme of things.

Other major complaint is that an RSS functionary assassinated Mahatma Gandhi in 1948 and the party was banned as a consequence of it, the ban being revoked almost immediately. However, Indian courts have exonerated RSS of any charges over the assassination of the Mahatma but the stigma stayed. And when RSS entered the political plane through the rise of BJP, people were made to remember all these things. The rise of RSS and Sangh Parivar as a political model, with a Hindu Nationalistic Agenda and based on the early writings of the founders which gave a softer view to Fascism when Hitler was an acceptable figure in the world and later which the group itself rejected, is used as a whipping boy without any historic basis in actions by anyone and everyone. Imran Khan’s recent penchant for RSS being genocidal and fascistic has roots in this narrative.

Worldwide condemnation of Bernie Sanders

Mini Razdan, twitter handle @mini_707070 tweeted, “Hello Mr. @SenSanders, I will be very active this time & make sure that ppl in my community do not vote 4party that is in sync with Terrorist country Pakistan.  I never been politically active but this time, I will go to door2door. Never voted for republicans but will do now.”

Dr. Shweta Gulati, twitter handle @DrShwetaGulati tweeted, “Bernie Sanders’s Pakistani campaign manager Faiz Shakir, apparently is responsible for his irresponsible statements on #Kashmir.  I ask @BernieSanders to read about #Kashmir and not promote radical Islam of #Pakistan to take over the state and ruin it forever.”

Lawrence Sellin, twitter handle @LawrenceSellin tweeted, “Bernie Sanders couldn’t find Kashmir on a map if it was colored with a bright blue Crayon. That statement was likely influenced by his Pakistani campaign manager & Muslim activist, Faiz Shakir, who may be aggressively promoting pro-Pakistani positions.”

Tech infra, twitter handle @natureisrandom tweeted, “How come all of democrats  have Muslim or Pakistani backroom boys who effectively run the show without having to show their face to public!!”

Akshay @mumbaikerr tweeted, “Most of the Pakistani immigrants in every country are connected to ISI for media propaganda & their other works.”

“ISI interference in Bernie Sanders Campaign including funding and support should not be ignored. Must be investigated”

The Angry Indian 🇮🇳 @sway_hi tweeted, “Btw the UN backed peaceful resolution insists that the first step is the withdrawal of Pakistani forces from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Not only has Pakistan not done that, it has gone and sold that land to China for CPEC. Smoke that Bernie! Not a dime to Bernie! Bernie sucks!”

The Indian Interest @IndianInterest “One more reason why no American Indian must vote for the pro-Pakistan, pro-terrorism Democrats. @BernieSanders misrepresents the situation and deliberately ignores the fact that the UN resolution stipulates Pakistani forces must first withdraw from Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.”

Hindu Americans @HinduAmericans tweeted, “Why is Pakistani-American Muslim @fshakir pushing the @People4Bernie campaign to speak to rightwing Islamist groups like ISNA that support fascist movements like Jamaat-e-Islami and Pakistan’s military?!”

“What are Faiz’ ties in Pakistan? Is he working with ISI? We need answers.”

Core Socio @CoreSocio tweeted Let Bernie Sanders first protect US from infiltrated evil desert aliens including those from pakistan, who are spreading virally in US and slowly poisoning it with terrorism & extremism. Hope he remember twin tower orchestrated by these evil desert aliens. UK is gone, save US.

“In my opinion, Bernie has scored a self-goal here. Now Trump needs to remind WTC attack to Americans and tell that campaign manager of Bernie is from Pakistan. Americans haven’t forgotten the support Pakistan lent to Al Qaeda, and it was Pakistan where Laden was found at last.”

“Mr @SenSanders and @UN  what you all have to say on declining ratio of Hindus in Pakistan or you specially @SenSanders knows to bark whats going on in Kashmir, don’t be one sided go through the reality or just shut up and @UN. Please try to have look on these issues. PLEASE”

@ShauryaDJoshi tweeted, “If @BernieSanders is elected President, he will allow illegal immigrants to take shelter in America, he will intervene in other country’s internal issues, Dems will start funding Pakistan again, the ties between India-USA will be fractured. #Trump2020 #TRUMP2020Landside”

“He’s a Harvard alum comes from Harry Reid’s political team. He’s tied to CAIR which is an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land case.”

“@BernieSanders is going through memory loss. He forgot the planner of 9/11 was hiding in Pakistan. 9/11 which killed thousands of innocent Americans.”

“@BernieSanders Sir first read the UN resolutions in which Pakistan was asked to vacate Kashmir! No knowledge of the problem but trying to be another Trump for votes. Shameful! NO Indian in America should vote for these Democrats! Pathetic !”

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