Gurudwaras of Pakistan: Systematic Destruction by Islamist Radical Pakistan

Gurudwaras of Pakistan show the true love of Pakistan for Sikhs. The Sikh Gurudwaras of Pakistan and Buildings including Havelis of cultural heritage have been systematically destroyed. Many Gurudwaras of Pakistan have been illegally occupied by Islamist Radicals and are using them as their residence. Thousands of acres of Land belonging to different Gurudwaras of Pakistan are illegally occupied by Islamist Radicals who do not let Sikh Devotees go near the historic Sikh sites. Many of the historic gurudwaras are in dilapidated state that local Islamist Radicals have even stolen the bricks from the Gurudwaraswalls to construct their own houses. In most of the Historical Gurudwaras, the holy scripture of Sikhs “Guru Granth Sahib” is not allowed to be kept.