Imran Khan Speech at UNGA – Was it a Threat, or Rationalizing Terror? Should Pashtun and other Marginalized minorities Pick up guns?

Imran Khan speech at UNGA was nothing but a failed attempt to rationalizing terror. If we go with the logic he gave at the UNGA for people who feel marginalized, to pick up guns, did he justify that Pashtun and other ethnic groups who are marginalized, and are subject to enforced disappearances, Killed or sold for Organ Harvesting, women raped, villages burnt by Pakistan Army should pick up guns? Why Not? Going by the rationale given by Imran Khan, Baloch, Pashtun, Mohajirs, Sindhis, Ahamadiyas, Hazaras, Shias are all Muslims and they are subjected to systematic Genocide by Punjabi dominated Pakistan Army. Can Imran Khan answer why these ethnic groups should now not pick up guns?